Plans for the groundbreaking for a new, fully accessible baseball field in Genesee County are taking a major step forward thanks to funding support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
MLGF is closer to that goal thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Mott Foundation, which
will be applied to constructing the first accessible baseball field in the area for children of all
abilities. The new field will be located at Mundy Miracle Commons, the community park in
Mundy Township on Hill Road. It is expected that the field will be built over the spring and
summer of 2022.
“This grant from the Mott Foundation puts us closer to making this field of dreams a reality for over 10,000 kids in Genesee County,” said Brian Caine, league director of MLGF. “Our
fundraising efforts will continue as we begin working with Mundy Township leaders to make
plans for the start of the construction of the new field, which will provide equal access to
recreational activities for children of all abilities.”
“This new baseball field will be a great addition to our community — one that will increase
recreational accessibility for area residents. That’s something we can all be excited about,” said Jennifer Acree, program officer at the Mott Foundation. “The Mundy Miracle Commons has been community driven from the start, and so many people have rallied behind the new park. It’s another great example of what can be accomplished with public-private partnerships.”
Mundy Township and MLGF formed a partnership in 2016, with an advisory board of community members guiding the planning and fundraising for the baseball field. The MLGF field at Mundy Miracle Commons is part of a recreational master plan developed a decade ago by the township. The park, which opened in 2021, already offers opportunities for recreation for people of all ages, with accessible parking, walking paths that are wide and paved, and other enhancements for visitors. The establishment of the MLGF field at the park will continue to fulfill the township’s ongoing commitment to inclusive recreational activities for local citizens.
“Mundy Township is proud of the partnership with MLGF and the collaborative approach that
has taken palace over several years to obtain funding and plans for this important addition to the park and the community,” said Chad Young, Mundy Township manager. “We are preparing in 2022 to get construction underway so that fans can cheer for a new generation of players on this special field.”
The cost to build the accessible baseball field is estimated to be approximately $400,000.
Already, nearly 100 individuals, businesses, and foundations have contributed to the community project.
